CCSS ELA /C3 (College, Career and Civic Life) Alignment
A Note to Teachers Regarding this Alignment:
The C3 (College, Career and Civic Life) Framework was created by the
National Council of Social Studies, over 20 states and 15 affiliated
agencies. It is built around four dimensions that focus on inquiry. The
dimensions lay out expectations for student actions in planning inquiry,
communicating, evaluating evidence and taking action. The content for this
inquiry is not described in the Framework and is left to each state to
decide courses of study within a grade level. The Framework instead, gives
teachers a way to apply the key social studies disciplines.
The Framework connects with all CCSS ELA standards; however the NCSS views
the three CCSS standards listed here as vital: Reading 1, Writing 7 and
Speaking and Listening 1.
Our alignment focuses on the Dimensions and subsections that are relevant
to all social studies articles on the DOGO news site. [1] For more information about the Framework, visit
Dimension 1: Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries
D1.1.3-5. Explain why compelling questions are important to others
(e.g., peers, adults).
D1.4.3-5. Explain how supporting questions help answer compelling
questions in an inquiry.
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says
explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Lesson Plan Suggestions:
Read or the original or article.
Read the .
Think about the questions that are asked. Why are these questions important to understanding the article?
Then, reread/ the article.
Stop and answer each question.
Use a quote from the article to support your answer.
Ask yourself, is this a compelling question, a supporting question,
or neither? How do you know?
Write a sentence explaining your choice for each question.
Read or the original or article.
Read the ,
Write a sentence explaining why this is a compelling question and
why the answer is important.
Think: What supporting questions would help you to answer this
Write 2-3 additional supporting questions about the.
Explain how you chose to include these supporting questions,
providing quotes from the text when necessary to show your
Vocabulary Questioning Game
Read or the same original or article as a classmate.
Play the .
Take turns giving each other a word from the .
Partner 1 says a word.
Partner 2 finds the word and reads the sentence from the
For example, in this article, “But based on other artifacts found in the
area, they estimate it to be 3,700 years old.”
Partner 1 poses a question about the word.
Question example: Why do researchers use estimating to age artifacts?
Partner 2 answers the question, trying to use a quote or evidence
from the article.
Answer example: According to the article, “The researchers could not determine theexact date of the comb.”, so they had to use artifacts from
the area they already knew about. I think this happens in other
archaeology digs, too.
Partner 2 gets 2 points for using a quote and 1 point for answering
without a quote.
Trade roles.
Keep playing until all of the words have been used.
Count up points.
Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence
D3.4.3-5. Use evidence to develop claims in response to compelling
Dimension 4: Communicating and Critiquing Solutions
D4.1.3-5. Construct arguments using claims and evidence from multiple
D4.2.3-5. Construct explanations using reasoning, correct sequence,
examples, and details with relevant information and data.
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says
explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build
knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
Lesson Plan Suggestions:
and Arguments
Read or the same original or article as a classmate.
Take the .
Make a chart with 4 columns. List all of the words, based on their
part of speech.
Reread/ the article.
Click on each word as you read it.
A dictionary and thesaurus tool will pop-up.
Scroll down to “Related Forms”.
Note: Not all dictionary entries contain this section. Skip the
word if missing.
Read the related forms and record them in your chart.
For example, the word massive lists massively (adjective) and massiveness (noun).
Read the question with your classmate.
Take a few minutes to reread/ the article and underline or
record your ideas to answer the question.
Discuss your answers, using quotes and evidence from the text to
support your ideas and inferences.
Refer to your chart and try to use the new vocabulary, in any form.
Put a checkmark next to the words each time you use one.
After your discussion, count your checkmarks to see who used the
most words.
On your own, write a paragraph supporting your claim related to the question, using the quotes, evidence and vocabulary from your
discussion with your classmate.
, Quotes and Compelling Questions
Read or the same original or article as a classmate.
Take the.
Choose 3-4 questions from the quiz to focus on.
Record them in column 1 of a 3-column chart to quiz a
Column 1: question
Column 2: Quote from article
Column 3: Compelling question
Find a quote that provides evidence to support your answer. Record
it in column 2.
Do not align the questions with the quotations.
Write a compelling question in column 3 that connects to each
question you chose.
Do not align the questions to the quotations.
Give your paper to a classmate. They must match all three parts,
question, quote and compelling question.
(choose 3-4 and record them here)
(find quotes that answer the question)
Compelling Question
Question 3
“Question 5 answer”
Compelling Question 3
Question 5
“Question 3 answer”
Compelling Question 6
Question 6
“Question 6 answer”
Compelling Question 5
Check their work.
Talk about any mistakes.
Dimension 4: Communicating and Critiquing Solutions
D4.3.3-5. Present a summary of arguments and explanations to others
outside the classroom using print and oral technologies (e.g.,
posters, essays, letters, debates, speeches, and reports) and digital
technologies (e.g., Internet, social media, and digital
D4.4.3-5. Critique arguments.
D4.5.3-5. Critique explanations.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Lesson Plan Suggestions:
Read or the original or article.
Read the question.
Find the sentence in the article. Reread the paragraph it is in and
answer the question, giving support for your answer.
Think: What do I know about this topic? What important idea does this article convey? What is the main idea?
Write a claim sentence based on your thinking.
Find support for your claim in the article, underline or record it.
Write a few sentences explaining how the quote supports your idea,
use the vocabulary word in your explanation.
Trade writing with a classmate to critique your claim and
Talk to your classmate about their critique. Answer any questions
and provide explanations for your ideas.
Group Debate
Read or the same original or article as 2 or more students in your class.
Think: What do I know about this topic? What important idea does this article convey? What is the main idea?
Work with your group to write a claim about your thinking.
If you disagree, ask clarifying questions to learn more about your
classmates’ ideas.
Reread/ the original or article.
Highlight or record sentences and text features that support your
group’s claim.
Meet with your classmates.
Take turns sharing your evidence. Note any new evidence shared by
your classmates.
Debate another group in your class.
Group 1 shares their claim.
Group 2 asks clarifying questions.
Group 1 supplies evidence and quotes to support their
Trade roles.
[1]Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts and Tools dives deep into
topics like economics, history and geography and thus is left out of our
alignment because it can not be applied universally. A section of
Dimension 4: Taking Action isn’t present either. DOGO articles may
serve as a catalyst for informed action, however the activities here do
not meet these expectations. For more information about aligning to these
Dimensions and about the Framework, visit